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Guinea pig Breeds

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TThe Different Breeds.
This page is about the different breeds of guinea pig that exist.  
The Abyssian
This breed is a guinea pig that has rosettes and ridges in its coat. They can come in all different colour combinations.
The Dutch
The Dutch is a smooth coated white guinea pig with colour added to it. They come in the colours:Red, Black, Chocolate, Golden, Cream, Tri colour and Agouti.
The Agouti
This breed resembles the coat and colours of the wild Cavy. They now appear in:Golden, Silver, Cinnamon, Lemon and Orange.
The Himalayan
This guinea pig breed has markings like the Siamese cat.They have a white coat with darker Black or Chocolate points. Young Himmys don't have their marking until they are 6 or 7 months old. They are also born pure white.
The Crested
This breed originally came from the USA. The crest on the head is really a rosette,but just below the ears.There are 2 types of crested the American and the English. The American has a crest which is a different colour from the rest of its coat, while the English's crest is the same colour as the rest of the coat.
The Roan and Dalmation
The Roan is a Black animal with White Markings. But they can appear in Strawberry aswell which is red and white. The Dalmation is a spotted breed, which appears with a White coat and Black spots. Warning:Roans should never be bred to Roan or Dalmation.While the Dalmation shouldn't be bred to Dalmation or Roan.  
The Peruvian
The peruvian is a breed of long-haired guinea pig. They come in lots of different colours and markings. The difference between other long-haired breeds is that the hair goes over the face. Its hair can grow to 20cm, which means that it has to be brushed every day and kept tidy so that the hair doesn't get matted and dirty.
The Sheltie
The sheltie is very like the Peruvian except that its hair doesn't go across it's face.
The Texel 
The Texel is a long-haired version of the Rex breed. It can come in alot of colours and its hair can grow as long as the other long-haired breeds.
The Rex
The Rex is a breed that has curly hair. It can come in lots of colours and there are long-haired versions of it called the 'Texel'.
The Satin
The Satin isn't really a breed but a feature that can appear in lots of different breeds like the buff, himalayan and Lilac. The difference between a Satin and a normal guinea pig is that the coat looks very shiny and glossy like the name which it has got. 
The Coronet
The Coronet is really a long-haired version of the crested guinea pig. To get the breed you have to breed a Peruvian and a Crested together.
The Tortoiseshell
The Tortoiseshell is just like the breed of cat with the same name except that it's a breed of guinea pig. The colours can only be White, black and Orange.
The Self
The self is a breed that has the same coloured hair all over its body.
The Baldwin
The Baldwin is a very strange and new breed of guinea pig. At birth it has little hair which falls out as it gets older until its completely bald.
The Skinny
Is as new and strange as the Baldwin. It has hair on its face and sometimes its paws. 
Mixed Breed Guinea-pig
Mixed breeds are Guinea pigs that are a result from 2 true-bred Guinea pigs like a Crested and a Himalayan. They then have charateristics from both breeds: e.g. It may have the markings of a Himalayan and have a Crest from a Crested.

A mixed breed Guinea pig (Truffles)
copyright Cavygirl120(CavyCrazy!)

Abyssinian Breed

Dutch breed

Himalayan Breed

Rex Breed

English Crested

American Crested Breed

Peruvian Breed

Coronet Breed

Tortoiseshell Breed

Dalmation Breed

Sheltie Breed

Agouti Breed
This one is a silver.

The Texel Breed

The Self Breed

Baldwin Breed

Skinny Breed

These photos are from the Southern Cavy Club. Except where otherwise stated.